Affirming God's Design: Helping Kids Understand Gender

As a person who likes to avoid controversy, I never imagined I'd write a children’s book dealing with gender identity . But with conflicting cultural messages damaging kids' sense of self, God put this topic on my heart. My goal isn't to stir debate but protect children by instilling biblical truth.

Growing up a tomboy, I loved playing sports and wasn’t drawn to particularly feminine things. I never fit in with the dancers or girly girls. I felt comfortable as a shorts-and-t-shirt wearing, mud-loving, adventure-seeking kid. Back then, tomboys weren't judged—we were accepted as befitting our personality.

Around 13, I began exploring makeup and fashion but still enjoyed being a tomboy at heart. My interests expanded, but my biological femininity remained intact. Had today's gender identity culture existed then, however, I may have questioned whether my “boyish” tastes meant that I was really a boy inside. Thankfully, my parents and I understood I could have diverse interests yet unequivocally be the female God designed me to be.

God's Purposeful Design

Scripture reveals God intentionally created humans male and female—and said this was good (Genesis 1:27). Our maleness and femaleness reflect God's image and bring Him glory. Biological sex constitutes an essential aspect of our God-breathed identity.

A child’s interests and preferences, on the other hand, can vary across individuals—from rough and tumble to gentle and nurturing. Boys can enjoy dance, girls can love sports. But these individual preferences and tastes never alter the fact that God fashioned each child either male or female.

Unfortunately, modern culture claims preferences that diverge from gender stereotypes indicate that one’s “true gender” differs from their biology. This lie seeps into classroom teachings and media messages, pressuring youth to question the goodness of their gender. As parents, we must push back with eternal truth.

Affirming God's Gift

Every child deserves to know God lovingly designed them and blessed them as male or female. When kids understand their physical bodies align with God’s will and reflect His good purpose, it cultivates deep security in their gender identity.

Dismissing biological gender as irrelevant or malleable and emphasizing self-determined identities based on changeable feelings breeds confusion. But God’s designs are always intentional. Diversity in personalities and interests displays His boundless creativity—not reasons to distrust His templates for maleness and femaleness.

Providing a Secure Identity

Above all, our children crave a firm foundation for their identity. Grounding them in biblical truth fulfills this desire. They can stand confident on the rock that God fashioned each one purposefully either male or female. No cultural winds can shake this security.

When the world’s gender perspectives conflict with God’s design, we shouldn’t waiver. Lovingly but consistently affirm the truth —“You are a beloved daughter of Christ” or “You are a treasured son of the King”—point them to Jesus as their ultimate source of identity.

God’s sacred gift of gender provides children a compass for withstanding societal pressure. Let’s confirm their secure place in His beautiful design. For kids navigating a complex world, biblical truth brings peace, clarity, and freedom to blossom into everything God destined them to be.

God’s Gift of Boys and Girls

Parental guidance on gender identity is vital today as cultural confusion swirls. God's design for male and female remains steadfast—and good. Through emphasizing biblical truth and affirming God’s gift of gender, we can instill lasting confidence in our kids. My first book, “God’s Gift of Boys and Girls: A Joyful Rhyme for God’s Gender Design, ” aims to help anchor children in this firm foundation. Consider picking up a copy for the young ones in your life today!

Arabella Penrose

Since childhood, Arabella has always loved poetry and dreamed of one day publishing her own poems. She splits her time between her native Southern California and Southern Spain. After earning her Bachelor of Arts from UC Santa Barbara, Arabella worked as a translator and a teacher. But her true passion is to nurture the hearts of children through stories. In her spare time, you can find Arabella hiking or walking the beach with her pup, Snoopy, and spending time with her son, Mateo. Arabella draws inspiration from her father, who instilled in her a love of poetry and scripture. She hopes to glorify God with her stories and inspire the next generation to discover the transformative power of God's Word.


The Power of Story Time: Connecting with Your Child Through Books


The Power of Bible Stories: Seeds of Faith for Your Child’s Heart