Ruth the Moabitess: Lessons from a Biblical Heroine

Ruth clinging to Naomi. Scene from the Christian children's picture book Ruth the Moabitess by Arabella Penrose

Ruth clinging to Naomi. Scene from the rhyming bible story for children, “Ruth the Moabitess” by Arabella Penrose

I’ve spent months studying the biblical account of Ruth while researching for my new book. During this time, I’ve been thinking about her character and the lessons we can glean (pun intended) from her story. Despite facing deep grief, poverty, and uncertainty after losing her husband, Ruth's kindness, loyalty, and diligence paved the way for God's redemption to abundantly bless her life in ways she never could have imagined.

Ruth’s Loyalty in the Face of Adversity

Naomi speaking to Ruth in a scene from the rhyming bible story, “Ruth the Moabitess” by Arabella Penrose

After Ruth’s mother-in-law, Naomi, is widowed and left childless, Naomi plans to return to her homeland of Judah. She encourages her daughters-in-law Ruth and Orpah, who are now without husbands, to stay in Moab and remarry within their own people. But Ruth refuses. I’ve thought about this a lot. Why did she refuse? I believe there was something inside her that drew her to the God of Israel, and she demonstrated this through her sacrifice and loyalty. Ruth chose to give up the comforts of home, family, and prospects in Moab to stay by Naomi's side (Ruth 1:16-17).

Despite having every reason to stay in her homeland, Ruth selflessly clings to Naomi and the God of Israel. She surrenders her identity, turns from the false gods of Moab, and gives up any hope of remarrying or bearing children. She remains devoted to both Naomi and the Lord, trusting that God will provide as they journey to Judah.

Ruth and Naomi riding on donkeys to Bethlehem. Scene from the rhyming bible story, "Ruth the Moabitess" from Arabella Penrose

Ruth and Naomi riding on donkeys traveling to Bethlehem from Moab. Scene from the rhyming bible story for children, “Ruth the Moabitess” by Arabella Penrose

Ruth’s Kindness and Diligence

Arriving in Bethlehem with no money or social status, Ruth immediately begins gathering leftover grain in the harvest fields from sunrise to sunset (Ruth 2:2-3) to provide food for herself and her mother-in-law. She serves Naomi tirelessly, never complaining despite the physically demanding work under the scorching Middle Eastern sun.

Ruth works diligently, never prioritizing her own comfort or needs. Her servant heart shines through her kind and unassuming care for Naomi. Ruth's selfless efforts earn her admiration from everyone who witnesses them—especially Boaz.

Ruth gleaning grain in Boaz's field. Scene from the rhyming Bible story for kids, "Ruth the Moabitess" from Arabella Penrose

Ruth gleaning grain in Boaz's field. Scene from the rhyming Bible story for kids, "Ruth the Moabitess" from Arabella Penrose

Ruth’s Obedience and Integrity

When Naomi proposes a plan for Ruth to seek protection from their wealthy relative Boaz by lying at his feet (Ruth 3:1-4), Ruth obeys. She must have trusted Naomi. Although this act took boldness and bravery, Ruth approaches it with humility, purity, and discretion. Ruth shows trust in God’s sovereignty by maintaining her virtue, integrity, and sterling reputation.

Ruth laying at Boaz’s feet on the threshing floor. Scene from the children’s picture book, “Ruth the Moabitess” by Arabella Penrose.

Ruth laying at Boaz’s feet on the threshing floor. Scene from the children’s picture book, “Ruth the Moabitess” by Arabella Penrose.

Boaz’s Kindness and Protection Towards Ruth

Boaz treats Ruth with honor, respect, generosity, and care (Ruth 2:8-9, 15-16). Moved by her story, he provides her with extra grain, comfort, safety, and assurance. Boaz admires Ruth’s kindness and agrees to be her kinsman-redeemer (Ruth 3:10-13), going above and beyond to protect and shelter her. Their mutual kindness and godly virtue create a space where deep love can blossom.

God’s Faithfulness in Redemption

God beautifully weaves together Ruth and Boaz’s relationship into a glorious story of redemption. Through Ruth, God blesses her with a child in her later years (Ruth 4:13), turning Naomi’s bitterness into joy beyond her wildest dreams. Their precious baby, Obed, becomes an ancestor of Christ, carrying on the family lineage (Matthew 1:5)!

Naomi holds her grandson, baby Obed, while Ruth looks at Obed lovingly.  Scene from the rhyming Bible story for kids, “Ruth the Moabitess” by Arabella Penrose

Naomi holds her grandson, baby Obed, while Ruth looks at Obed lovingly. Scene from the rhyming Bible story for kids, “Ruth the Moabitess” by Arabella Penrose

Once again, God proves that there is nothing beyond His redemption when we walk in righteousness. Just as He turned Ruth and Naomi’s emptiness into fullness, He can revive our own brokenness, giving us new life and purpose.

Ruth’s kindness towards Naomi, her loyalty in the midst of sorrow, and her hard work gathering grain led to blessings beyond measure. When we cling tightly to God during difficult times, we too will reap His redemption. May Ruth’s story inspire hope in God’s everlasting faithfulness.

To learn more about Ruth’s journey, from being a poor widow gleaning in the fields to becoming the great-grandmother of King David, check out my rhyming picture book for children, Ruth the Moabitess —part of my Real Women Heroes of the Bible series, which brings biblical role models to life for today's generation.


Living a Christ-centered Life in a Me-centered World