The Power of a Praying Parent

A woman kneeling down in prayer in a bedroom

I'll never forget the day the Holy Spirit revealed to me that He came into my life because of my mother's faithful prayers. This profound moment as a new believer engraved in me the immense power and impact of a praying parent.

As a mother now myself, I've seen God answer bold, persistent prayers for my son over and over—delivering him from anxiety, restoring relationships, providing for needs, and giving him strength in hard times. Our greatest weapon as parents is prayer.

Give Your Children to God First

Before anything else, we must release our beloved children fully to the Lord (Psalm 127:3, Isaiah 43:1). They belong first and foremost to God. When I entrust my son completely to Christ—his life, desires, future—it lifts the burden of control and worry from my shoulders. My job is not to perfectly manage his life, but to trust the One who loves him even more than I do. I gain incredible freedom and rest when I continually give my child to the Lord in prayer.

Pray Specifically and Consistently

Once we give our children to God, prayer becomes the lifeline through which He works mightily on their behalf. I try to pray Scripture over my child daily—verses about wisdom, purpose, the armor of God, etc. (Deuteronomy 6:6-9). As often as possible, we pray together—surrounding transitions, challenges, or decisions. My most urgent seasons of prayer have been walking my son through difficulties in his relationships, grief, and tough situations at school. Whether good times or bad, we must pray continually and fervently (1 Thessalonians 5:17).

Cry Out for Wisdom

As much as I intercede for my child’s situations, I also plead with the Lord for wisdom in parenting. Especially in those tense moments when I don't know how to respond, I lean fully on the Holy Spirit’s counsel (James 1:5). God gave me this child to raise for His glory. I constantly need Him to guide me in this immense responsibility.

Trust God with the Results

As soon as I say “Amen,” I release my prayers to the Lord. My finite mind cannot comprehend or control how and when God will work. I avoid fixating on timing or methods and rest in the One who holds my child in His hands (Isaiah 40:11). God moves powerfully in my son’s life in His timing—and that is far better than my own.

Though parenting is filled with uncertainty, prayer grounds me in supernatural peace and perspective. Our faithful God accomplishes more through our petitions than we could imagine (Ephesians 3:20). Keep praying, dear parents! Persist in bringing your precious children before the Lord. His purpose and protection are unleashed through your prayers.

 If you feel led to sow more seeds of God’s Word into your child’s life, check out my Bible storybooks for kids. But above all, keep seeking the Lord who works wonders in response to a praying parent’s heart cry.

Arabella Penrose

Since childhood, Arabella has always loved poetry and dreamed of one day publishing her own poems. She splits her time between her native Southern California and Southern Spain. After earning her Bachelor of Arts from UC Santa Barbara, Arabella worked as a translator and a teacher. But her true passion is to nurture the hearts of children through stories. In her spare time, you can find Arabella hiking or walking the beach with her pup, Snoopy, and spending time with her son, Mateo. Arabella draws inspiration from her father, who instilled in her a love of poetry and scripture. She hopes to glorify God with her stories and inspire the next generation to discover the transformative power of God's Word.


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